Mystery Manor on Facebook Wiki

Trigger: Level 12

NOTE: The quest chain branches off in two directions after "A Secret Revealed". 1) "A Package from Mr. X" 2) "Fortune-Telling with Coffee Grounds"

A Hunter's Vanity[]

Character Jones the Hunter
Quest a-hunters-vanity
I have a favor to ask you. Nobody in this house believes that Jones, the Royal Hunter, is a celebrated adventurer and conquerer of the jungle and the prairies. I wish to hang my awards and diplomas in the hunting room, but to do that I need some nails and a hammer.
Requirements Items:
Nails (60)
Hammer (1)
Tip You'll find the nails in every room of the house and the hammer may be in the Bathroom.
Completed Narrative
Quest a-hunters-vanity check
Many thanks! Now the importance and grandeur of my person shall be clearly visible to all!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

The Cache in the Hunting Room[]

Character Jones the Hunter
Quest the-cache-in-the-hunting-room
So, I'm getting ready to start hanging my diplomas, but before I manage to get one nail in the wall, a piece of plaster breaks off and I find some kind of secret cache in the resulting crack. Check it out, will you?

Hunting Room (1)

Tip Explore the Hunting Room to complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
Quest the-cache-in-the-hunting-room check
Did you have a good look around the secret cache I found? Let's see what we've got here... Here's a note... Hmm, it's addressed to you. Here's what it says: "I think I might have stumble upon a clue as to what's been happening around here. Magda, the old gypsy that lives in the secret room, knows something about the incident. She charges Zodiac Runestones, so I'm including several pieces within. I'm going to hide this note for I fear I may be in danger. P.S., don't trust Katherine. "Hmm, I have no idea what these Runestones are for, to be honest. Maybe you should ask someone else.

Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

Items: Note
Zodiac Runestones

The Search for the Secret Room[]

Character Katherine
Quest the-search-for-the-secret-room
I'm not really sure what secret room you're referring to. I've had enough of secrets and mysteries, I just want to get out of here. Check the living room, maybe you'll find some sort of clue.

Living Room (1)

Tip Explore the Living Room to complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
Quest the-search-for-the-secret-room check
You didn't find anything? Hmm, that's a pity. You should talk to Elsa the maid; she may have seen something. There must be a reason the girl hangs around the house all day with her vacuum cleaner.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

Let's Explore the Bedroom[]

Character Elsa the Maid
File:Quest lets-explore-the-bedroom.jpg

Bedroom (1)

Tip ---
Completed Narrative
Quest lets-explore-the-bedroom check
So what if you haven't found anything? At least ou caught the creature under the bed. Now it won't scare me anymore!

Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

Monster Under the Bed (1)

What Does the Mermaid Know?[]

Character Benedict
Quest what-does-the-mermaid-know
A Secret Room? That wouldn't be the room where my mermaid girlfriend come from, would it? Honeslty, I don't know and I couldn't be bothered with it... hic! If you want, explore the Bathroom yourself.

Bathroom (1)

Tip Explore the Bathroom to complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
Quest what-does-the-mermaid-know check
Did you look behind the bathroom mirror? I thought I saw something odd there the other morning... or maybe I just wasn't drunk enough. Either way, at least you've found the foam, so it wasn't all in vain... hic!

Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

Aphrodite Bath Foam (1)

Exploring the Entire House[]

Character Jones the Hunter
Quest exploring-the-entire-house
I see your exploration has been quite fruitless. You should have turned to me sooner. Secrets and spying are my two middle names! Bring me five compasses and we will find the Secret Room in no time!

Hunting Room (1)
Kitchen (1)

Compass (10)

Tip Find or buy compasses, then explore the rooms. The compasses will be removed from our inventory upon completing the quest.
Completed Narrative
Quest exploring-the-entire-house check
Don't despair, we've only just begun our exploration. We'll get to the bottom of this. You can trust me - I'm a Royal Hunter, after all!

Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

REMOVED: Compass (5)

There Are Still Places to Search in the House[]

Character Jones the Hunter
Quest there-are-still-places-to-search-in-the-house
Whenever I lost my way in the impenetrable Amazon forests, it was my unfailing hunter's intuition that saved the day, and right now my intuition is telling me that you will find what you're looking for. Keep your chin up!

Cloakroom (1)
Japanese Garden (1)
Bathroom (1)

Tip Explore the rooms in list below to complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
Quest there-are-still-places-to-search-in-the-house check
My intuition tells me we're on the right track, so let's continue. Trust a seasoned tracker - your best bet at this juncture is Giovannie the Cook.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

A Broken Fridge[]

Character Giovannie the Cook
Quest a-broken-fridge
Prego, prego, tell me what brings you to my kitchen? Do I know anything about a secret room? Si, that I do, and I can help you find it. But if you want my help, you'll need to pay for it with a favor - quid pro quo, as my Latin ancestors used to say. My refrigerator is malfunctioning, and I fear the food might go bad. Bring me some preservative, and I'll tell you how to get into the Secret Room.

Time Freeze (5)

Tip Purchase the preservative in the store of find it in the Hunting Room.
Completed Narrative
Quest a-broken-fridge check
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

A Secret Revealed[]

Character Katherine
Quest a-secret-revealed
I should have known! The Secret Room is the fortune-telling room where Magda the Gypsy lives, and I just happen to have a message for her from Madam X. "I want you to prepare everything for a spiritualistic seance by the time of my arrival. I shall visit you after I've had some rest from the road. I have many questions for the Gatekeeper." Go see Magda and give her Madam X's note. If she's not there, just leave the note for her.

Fortune-Telling Room (1)

Tip Explore the Fortune-Telling Room and pass Madam X's message to Magda.
Completed Narrative
Quest a-secret-revealed check
You've been to the Fortune-Telling Room and spoken with the Gypsy? She wasn't there? How odd... Ugh, I've had enough of all the ghosts, spirits and spiritualistic seances! Why can't I leave this place and go somewhere fun, like Goa, for instance?
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 120
Coins: Coins-symbol 120

String Branch: A Package from Mr. X[]

A Package from Mr. X[]

Character Katherine
Quest a-package-from-mr-x
A mailman was just here. He had a package for you from the master, along with this note: "You are the only one I can trust with a highly important quest. Go into the Living Room, find my wife's jewelry box and give it to Elsa. You'll find the keys to the jewelry box in this package. Please make sure nobody opens the box. I say again - nobody opens the box!"

Living Room (1)

Tip You will find the jewelry box when you explore the Living Room.
Completed Narrative
Quest a-package-from-mr-x check
What a beautiful box. I bet it's ancient and incredibly expensive. Madam X sure is lucky to receive all this jewelry and being able to leave the house whenever she wants.

Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Jewelry box (1)
Note (1)
Keys (1)

Find Elsa[]

Character Katherine
Quest find-elsa
Our Elsa is a grade A coward. Instead of cleaning, she locks herself in a closet and stays there until sundown. If you want to give her the jewelry box, try looking for her in the Bedroom. I bet she's hiding here.

Bedroom (1)

Tip Explore the Bedroom to give Elsa the jewlry box and the keys. The case and the keys will be taken from you.
Completed Narrative
Quest find-elsa check
Did you find Elsa? No? She's probably hiding under the bed or somethng. Just leave the box and keys on the desk, she'll deal with them later.

Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Jewelry Box (1)
Keys (1)

Search for the Jewelry Box[]

Character Elsa the Maid
Quest search-for-the-jewelry-box
Oh my god! Someone locked me in the closet! I yelled and screamed and banged on the door for help, but nobody could hear me! I barely managed to get out, but now the jewelry box and the keys are missing! Please help me find them.

Living Room (1)
Kitchen (1)
Bedroom (1)

Tip Check the Living room, Bedroom and Kitchen in exploration of the missing jewelry box.
Completed Narrative
Quest search-for-the-jewelry-box check
(Elsa, almost crying) Oh dear! How terrible! Why is the box open and empty?! Mr. X is going to be really angry with me! I don't even know what was inside or what to look for!

Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Items: Empty Jewelry Box (1)

Unwanted Guests[]

Character Katherine
Quest unwanted-guests
(Katherine, in a frightened whisper) You know, the longer I live here, the more I want to get out as soon as possible. My heart nearly stopped when I walked into the living room and saw somebody's dark shadow. I'm still shaking! Check the Living Room to see if there's somebody in there.

Living Room (1)

Tip Check the Living Room to see what Katherine saw there.
Completed Narrative
Quest unwanted-guests check
(Katherine, greatly surprised) What is this, a burning pumpkin? How did you get it? (Katherine's voice trembles)

Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Items: Flaming Pumpkin (1)

Wings in the Night[]

Character Elsa the Maid
Quest wings-in-the-night
This is a nightmare! I just saw a giant bat in the Bedroom. The monster chased me around the room and almost bit me! (Cries) I won't set foot in the Bedroom as long as it's in there!

Bedroom (1)

Tip Check the Bedroom and catch the bat.
Completed Narrative
Quest wings-in-the-night check
What a nasty creature! Look at its eyes, all red and wicked... it's looking at me like it's trying to hypnotize me... Get it away! (Elsa faints)

Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Items: Bat (1)

Imp's Cauldron[]

Character Giovanni the Cook
Quest imps-cauldron
Oh holy Mary, Santa Madonna! Wait, don't go in the Kitchen! It's hard to believe... I don't know how it happened, but there's a black cauldron on top of my magnificent stove! Inside the cauldron is someone's hand! Oh, the horror! I won't step into the Kitchen until that cauldron is out of there!

Kitchen (1)

Tip Explore the Kitchen to see what frightened Giovanni.
Completed Narrative
Quest imps-cauldron check
What a nightmare! The cauldron is covered in grime and soot and its contents make my hair stand on end! Shoot, I can't believe THIS was in my kitchen...
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Monster in the Bathroom[]

Character Benedict
Quest monster-in-the-bathroom
(Benedict, drunk and incoherent) Drunk? Who's drunk? Me? I'm not drunk! Hic... Well, I might have had a few cold ones, but that's not... hic!... that's nothing! After what I saw in the mirror... some green mug, all slimy, with yellow fish-like eyes... hic! In a fisherman's jacket, too!

Bathroom (1)

Tip Check the Bathroom for what Benedict described.
Completed Narrative
Quest monster-in-the-bathroom check
(Benedict, greatly surprised) They saw I'm a drunk... hic! How drunk would I have to be to fish in my own bathtub?! Plus, you can see webbed footprints on the floor!

Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Items: Fisherman Costume (1)

Elsa and the Wolf[]

Character Elsa the Maid
Quest elsa-and-the-wolf
(Elsa, looking around, frightened) I've always said this house was cursed. Remember the bat you caught in the Bedroom? Now there's a wolf in there! A terrible wolf with long fangs, howling and clawing at the door. Get it out of there!

Bedroom (1)

Tip Go into the Bedroom and check if there's a wolf in there.
Completed Narrative
Quest elsa-and-the-wolf check
You hear that howling? I think the wolf escaped and is now wandering around the house!

Experience: Experience-symbol 100
Coins: Coins-symbol 100

Items: Wolf Tracks (1)

Tracking Down the Beast[]

Character Magda
File:Quest tracking-down-the-beast.jpg
Have you seen the black monster running around the manor? A wolf, imagine that! Banish it at once!

Hunting Room (1)
Cloak Room (1)
Japanese Garden (1)
Bathroom (1)

Tip Explore the Living Room, the Bedroom, the Kitchen and the Bathroom.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest tracking-down-the-beast check.jpg
(Katherine, seriously frightened) That cannot be! You explored all the rooms and still couldn't find that overgrown pup? The tracks lead into the Hunting Room? Go check it immediately!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

A Wounded Predator[]

Character Magda
File:Quest a-wounded-predator.jpg
Picture this...I'm sitting in my chair, smoking my cigar, when suddenly a Transylvanian werewolf pounces on me! Thankfully, my trusty rifle is always at my side. I wounded the beast with a well-aimed shot, then went into the Kitchen to get some tea. Check the Hunting Room to make sure the creature is dead.

Hunting Room (1)

Tip Explore the Hunting Room, but beware of the werewolf.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest a-wounded-predator check.jpg
(Jones, twirling something in his hand) A wolf eye? I'm disappointed. If the beast is already falling to pieces this won't be much of a hunt. Oh well, let's track it down and finish what we started!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

A Wolf Trap[]

Character Magda
File:Quest a-wolf-trap.jpg
This infernal werewolf is no easy catch. It can smell you coming, so forget about getting close to it. Let me think… I've got it! We'll use traps! I'll need you to bring them to me though. I placed them in several rooms back when a cannibal panda escaped Professor Gauguin's lab. They need to be cleaned and reloaded.

Living Room (1)
Bathroom (1)
Hunting Room (1)

Tip Explore three rooms - the Hunting Room, Living Room and Bathroom. You'll find the traps in there.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest a-wolf-trap check.jpg
You've done well, but I think the hunter needs more traps. Go talk to him.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

More Traps![]

Character Magda
File:Quest title.jpg
I need more traps to make sure we catch the werewolf. Don't waste time now, find them and bring them here.

Kitchen (1)
Bedroom (1)
Japanese Garden (1)

Tip Explore the Kitchen and the Bedroom to complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest title check.jpg
Excellent! Now, before we set the traps, we need to find some bait. I know exactly what to use to lure a werewolf!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Bait Meat[]

Character Magda
File:Quest bait-meat.jpg
As promised, I will teach you the secret of werewolf hunting, which my family has kept for almost five centuries. We'll need tyrannosaurus fillet. That's the only bait you can use to attract a werewolf.

Kitchen (1)
Bathroom (1)
Hunting Room (1)

Tip Explore 3 rooms - the Hunting Room, the Kitchen and the Bathroom.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest bait-meat check.jpg
Excellent, but this probably won't be enough for all the traps. We'll need more fillets.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

More meat![]

Character Magda
File:Quest more-meat.jpg
We'll need a little more tyrannosaurus meat for the traps. When you find more meat bring it to me.

Living Room (1)
Bedroom (1)

Tip Explore the Living Room and the Bedroom to complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest more-meat check.jpg
You're this close to being a real werewolf hunter. Our preparations are nearly finished.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Wolf Hunt[]

Character Magda
File:Quest wolf-hunt.jpg
Let the games begin! Your task is simple - place a trap in every room and load it with bait. The wolf will not escape us, you'll see!

Bedroom (1)
Kitchen (1)
Bathroom (1)

Tip Place the traps and the bait in the three rooms.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest wolf-hunt check.jpg
You're doing great, though I'm willing to bet this is your first hunt. Not all the traps are set which means the prey may get away.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Skeleton in the Closet[]

Character Magda
File:Quest skeleton-in-the-closet.jpg
This Manor is truly horrible. A cackling skeleton just ran past me and hid in the living room closet. This is getting ridiculous. Bring me a baseball bat and I'll try to banish him.

Baseball Bat (1)

Tip You can find the bat in the Hunting Room. The royal hunter is a baseball fan.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest skeleton-in-the-closet check.jpg
(The sound of bones crunching) Take that, you monster! (Katherine blushes, embarrassed) Oh, pardon me, that wasn't meant for you. Heh, it's been a long time since I've held a bat in my hands. Hey, do you hear that? (the skeleton's fractured skull whispers: 'YOU WILL ALL DIE!')
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Bring Me the Chainsaw![]

Character Magda
File:Quest bring-me-the-chainsaw.jpg
Va bene, porco nightmaro! I was just attacked by a carbon copy of myself, except he looked like he had just come from the grave! I'm still shaking with fear. If I had a trusty chainsaw, I would shred that demon to pieces, as Vesuvius is my witness!

Item (1)

Tip The chainsaw is probably in the Bathroom. Where else could it be?
Completed Narrative
File:Quest bring-me-the-chainsaw check.jpg
(Chainsaw screeching) Get back in the grave, you horrid demon! Well, who else wants to battle the chef and his chainsaw?! Come on out, you cursed zombies!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Benedict and the Swamp Monster[]

Character Magda
File:Quest benedict-and-the-swamp-monster.jpg
I won't start drinking less but I'll make sure to space it out from now on. I was going to pop into the bathroom and say “hi” to our mermaid but I nearly lost my life in there! Some filthy thing grabbed for me and tried to drag me down the drain. What's the world coming to? Listen, bring me a vodka-soaked cloth and something that burns. We're going to make us some toad stir-fry.

Apron (1)
Phoenix Eggs (1)
Mermaid Vodka (1)

Tip Check the rooms for an apron, vodka and Phoenix eggs. These ingredients can be combined into an incendiary weapon.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest benedict-and-the-swamp-monster check.jpg
(Hissing and blood-curdling cries can be heard from the bathroom, as well as a burning smell. The room goes silent and a slightly charred but otherwise happy Benny comes out) Well, there goes the toad. Can you believe it, the monster tried to harpoon me! Stupid toad...
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Homunculus Battle[]

Character Magda
File:Quest homunculus-battle.jpg
A group of oddly brazen Homunculi are laying siege to our cozy villa, and a regular rifle won't even scratch them. A while ago, my friend Nikola Tesla gave me a rifle that shoots electricity. Can you find it and bring it here?

Hunting Room (1)

Tip Check the Hunting Room for Nikola Tesla's rifle.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest homunculus-battle check.jpg
Nikola made a fine rifle, it’s just a pity it doesn’t work. I wonder if somebody could help us fix it… Benny, perhaps? He's got magical hands; surely he can think of something.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Rifle Fixing[]

Character Magda
File:Quest rifle-fixing.jpg
So it was Jones who sent you? Something else needs fixin', I reckon? And here you are empty-handed, without so much as a bottle? Eh, don't worry, I've got a little stashed away… Bring me a fork, some lanterns and pliers, then I'll fix your rifle good as new.

Pliers (1)
Flashlight (5)
Platinum Fork (1)

Tip Explore the rooms for items that could be useful in fixing the rifle.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest rifle-fixing check.jpg
A fine job, sure. (Benny takes a sip right out of the bottle and reaches for the pliers) This baby's got a clever design, yes it does. Hmm, I'll think of something.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Jack of All Trades[]

Character Magda
File:Quest jack-of-all-trades.jpg
(Benny mixes himself a cocktail of port and whiskey). This Tesla character was quite the inventor. It took me a while to figure this baby out. Anyway, bring me a gold chain and a saucer. I'll need them to fix the rifle.

Porcelain Saucer (1)
Golden Chain (1)

Tip The homunculus' end is near. Get Benedict whatever he needs.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest jack-of-all-trades check.jpg
Take the rifle to Jones and tell him that this is the last time Benny's working on a dry whistle.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Kill the Homunculus[]

Character Magda
File:Quest kill-the-homunculus.jpg
Keep your voice down or you'll spook the homunculus. Can you hear it in there, playing master in my Hunting Room? You should create a diversion, then I'll pop out and kill the beast!

Hunting Room (1)

Tip Explore the Hunting Room to complete the Hunter's quest.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest kill-the-homunculus check.jpg
(There's a burning smell in the air, lightning bolts flashing throughout the room) Excellent work! Together we make a great hunting team, with you as the bait, I mean the beater, and me as the shooter! Death to Homunculus!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

I'm Watching You, Elsa[]

Character Magda
File:Quest im-watching-you-elsa.jpg
Oh, ze horror, ze horror! How can girl live in manor where she attack by maniac wherever she go? Do you know what zis one want to do with me?! Mein Gott, you would crazy if I tell you! Get him out of ze Bedroom at once!

Bedroom (1)

Tip Explore the Bedroom and arm yourself with some pistols.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest im-watching-you-elsa check.jpg
(Elsa wipes away her tears with a handkerchief) I am so grateful for you rescue me. Truly, I think I no survive zis night. Danke, danke schoen.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

String Branch: Fortune-Telling with Coffee Grounds[]

Fortune-Telling with Coffee Grounds[]

Character Elsa the Maid
Quest fortune-telling-with-coffee-grounds
Tell me, can you keep secret? I think Giovanni want to ask me marry him!I can't find any peace; all I do is worry. Ah, if only I could know for sure! You must help me. Go to Magda and ask her to tell you my future. I want to know how many beautiful children Giovanni and I will have! I can't go myself or I'd arouse suspicion. Do you understand?

Fortune-Telling Room (1)

Tip Headd to the Fortune-Telling Room to talk to Magda.
Completed Narrative
Quest fortune-telling-with-coffee-grounds check
You fail bring me gypsy predictions; now I suffer from doubt! I am just poor girl, life full of agony and deprivation. Where are you, o brave knight, in your apron and chef hat?! Come and save me soon!

Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Haute Couture Witch Dress[]

Character Magda
Quest haute-couture-witch-dress
Knowing the future is dangerous! Fortune-telling has consequences that not everyone can bear. Since Elsa is so eager to find out what awaits her, I'll help. I see...I see...a woman in a dress...oh, the future is so foggy, so vague! By the way, Elsa never returned my dress, which she took to hem and wash. Find it, as I continue to scry the maid's future.

Witch's Dress (1)

Tip Look for a dress around the house; Elsa sometimes forgets to put things back where she found them!
Completed Narrative
Quest haute-couture-witch-dress check
(The incense in the Fortune-Telling Room is so intense that you can only barely make out Magda sitting on the couch). A dress... a white wedding dress... a black witch's dress... who of them is who, who of them with what... questions, questions... (You hurry to leave before you get lost in this nonsense)
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Love Potion[]

Character Elsa the Maid
Quest love-potion
I was dust ze Library when I accident noticed a book of old spells. It has spell zat will help me rearrange my future, so zat I up marry Giovanni. I urgently need special ingredients to make potion. Bring zem to me.

Flying Dutchman Shampoo (1)
Sargasso Bath Salt (1)

Tip Shampoo can be found in the Bathroom but nobody knows where the salt is. You'll need to explore the whole house.
Completed Narrative
Quest love-potion check
(Having barely gotten the salt and shampoo from you, Elsa hurries into the Bathroom to begin preparing the potion. After 5 minutes she runs out in tears, chased out by the drunk Benny, who was brewing moonshine in the kitchen sink)

Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Removed Items:
Flying Dutchman Shampoo (1)
Sargasso Bath Salt (1)

Enchanted Hat[]

Character Magda
Quest enchanted-hat
Elsa just showed her vanity and malcontent to the whole manor, and they'll never forget it... Have you noticed how much dust I have here? No matter what ghosts you summon, they always come sneezing! I also ordered her to make me a hat. After all, every self-respecting witch has a hat! But where is it? Still not finished? Check with Elsa, please, and bring me my hat.

Enchanted Hat (1)

Tip Somewhere in this house lies a witch's hat, and you must find it.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest enchanted-hat check.jpg
A hat is the most important possession of any elegant witch, and I'm the most elegant witch of all. Thank you for your help. What? Is Elsa still waiting for her reading?... I see...I see...hmm. I can't see anything yet...
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Flying by Broomstick[]

Magic Wand[]

Winged Assistant[]

Character Magda
File:Quest winged-assitant.jpg
Ancient maps always reveal their many secrets to me. Tarot cards can't lie - the maid's future will become clear very soon! I must consult my Runestone ball. In the meantime, bring me my assistant. At least somebody in this manor has some use! What, you don't know my assistant? It’s a little monkey with wings. Ask Jones; it seems that he has befriended my monkey.

Hunting Room (1)

Tip Go to the Hunting Room where Jones is trying to train Magda's winged monkey.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest winged-assitant check.jpg
You looked all around the Hunting Room but didn't find anything? Talk to Jones. It seems like the monkey got away from him.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Catch it! Get it! Come on![]

Character Magda
File:Quest catch-it-get-it-come-one.jpg
What do you want that little beast for?!! She threw all of the trophies around the room and tore the diplomas from the wall! If Magda needs that ugly creature, she can have her, but I won't let her out of her cage. Hey! Where are you going? (the monkey escapes from the cage with a loud screech) Arg, see what I have to put up with? I'm not chasing after that thing – you want it, you catch it!

Item (1)

Tip Find the fugitive winged monkey helping your friends
Completed Narrative
File:Quest catch-it-get-it-come-one check.jpg
Make it quick or I'll lose my patience and take up the art of monkey-stuffing.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

The Secret Art of Witches[]

Character Magda
File:Quest the-secret-art-of-witches.jpg
The spirits have long told me that Jones abuses animals and now you have confirmed their words. Release that sweet creature from its cage. I have an important assignment for it! While my assistant is completing its assignment, bring me some enchanted ribbons, vases, and boxes. Magic ball experiments use a lot of Energy.

Klein Vase (10)
Mobius Bow (10)
Schrodinger's Crate (10)

Tip Tip here
Completed Narrative
Quest the-secret-art-of-witches check
Elsa's future remains unclear but we can now charge a whole set of witch tools. Have a look in this mysterious chest which just arrived for you from Mr. X.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

The Maid's Bitter Tears[]

Character Elsa the Maid
File:Quest the-maids-bitter-tears.jpg
What? Magda no say anything? I am puzzle and worry. How she deceive poor unfortunate girl like me? I will cry, long and painful! Poor me, poor unfortunate Elsa! (Bring Elsa something sweet before she drowns the whole household in her tears)

Empire Cake (1)

Tip ??
Completed Narrative
Quest the-maids-bitter-tears check
(You brought Elsa a piece of cake, saying that Giovanni cooked it especially for her. Elsa's eyes sparkled and she stopped crying)
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Unrequited Love[]

Character Benedict
File:Quest unrequited-love.jpg
I am so glad you are here. My heart is in pieces! I met a mermaid a year ago. I was just working in the Bathroom when I spotted my darling in the bathtub! I said “Who are you? Where are you from?” She just smiled back and tried to hug me. Look, hop over to the Kitchen and bring me something sweet I can give her as a treat. Just make sure Giovanni doesn't notice! He's never happy to share...

Mikado Sweet Roll (1)
Victoria Rum Cake (1)

Tip ??
Completed Narrative
Quest unrequited-love check
Thank you, eh? Now I can treat my loved one! The minute I met her I was in love head over heels. Oh how I dream she could be human...

Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Removed Items:
Mikado Sweet Roll (1)
Victoria Rum Cake (1)

Fussy Coquette[]

Character Benedict
File:Quest fussy-coquette.jpg
My sweetheart is so preoccupied with her looks that sometimes I think she loves herself more than me. That's if she loves me at all. Ugh, whatever. I don't want to dissect it. She wants me pick up some feminine items for her. She says she used to have a special cream and bath foam, but some Native idol phenomenon dragged them into the mist. I have no clue what she's even talking about! Help me, will you? If you leave me high and dry here, I'm in trouble!

Bermuda Triangle Cream (1)
Aphrodite Bath Foam (1)

Tip ???
Completed Narrative
Quest fussy-coquette check
(Benny takes the phials from you, sniffs them and tastes the contents) Agh, it's all artificial. No wonder why my Mermaid is interested in this. I mean, to me, there is nobody like her in the whole world, you know.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Seabed Ornaments[]

Character Benedict
Quest seabed-ornaments
My Mermaid used to tell me that her favorite jewelry was a pearl necklace, where every pearl was the size of my head! I thought I could make her a present, but where would I get all these pearls? Ah, I got it! You will bring me the pearls and I'll make a fine present for my Mermaid.

Pearls (100)

Tip Explore the house for pearls or purchase them in the store.
Completed Narrative
Quest seabed-ornaments check
These pearls are marvelous! It's going to be a gorgeous necklace.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Silver Thread for the Necklace[]

Character Benedict
Quest a-silver-thread-for-the-necklace
You've helped me greatly by finding the pearls. Thanks! The Mermaid will be pleased and might even give me a kiss. Now what I need to ask you next is to get me fifteen meters of silver thread to string the pearls into a necklace.

Silver Thread (100)

Tip Search for thread in the house. You can also buy it in the store or ask your friends to get it for you as a gift.
Completed Narrative
Quest a-silver-thread-for-the-necklace check
You have my gratitude! The fifteen metres of thread you brought will make one hell of a necklace!

Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Removed Items:
Silver Thread (100)

Gift Necklace[]

Character Benedict
Quest a-gift-necklace
I've made a pearl necklace and now I need only to present it to my beloved Mermaid. You've got to help me! Please get me a nice box and a bow to wrap the gift.

Schrodinger's Crate (5)
Mobius Bow (5)

Tip Search for the items in the house or purchase them in the store. The box and the bow will be taken from you when the quest is complete.
Completed Narrative
Quest a-gift-necklace check
The wrapping for the necklace worked out well. Thanks! As soon as my lady saw the gift she covered me with kisses from head to toe! I'm happy as can be.

Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Removed Items:
Schrodinger's Crate (5)
Mobius Bow (5)

A Witch's Advice[]

Character Benedict
Quest a-witchs-advice
Uh... I love her so much that I'd do anything... I heard that there’s some sort of witch or sorceress in the house. I really want to ask her if me and my mermaid have a future and also if she can turn a mermaid into a woman but I’m just so scared. Could you find this fortune teller and ask her for me? Get me a good answer and the drinks are on me!

Fortune-Telling Room (1)

Tip Talk with Magda in the Fortune-Telling Room
Completed Narrative
Quest a-witchs-advice check
(You tell Benny that you will convince Magda to help him to turn the mermaid into a woman. He cheers up and goes to the bathroom, humming a happy tune to himself)
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Mysterious Ritual[]

Character Magda
Quest mysterious-ritual
Benny? That sweet young man is afraid of me?!! I never would have guessed... So you say that he's in love and needs my help? I've never tried animation rituals but such matters were a specialty of my teacher's, so I understand the theory behind the art. First I'll need a cloak. Bring one to me.

Magician's Cloak (1)

Tip The wizard's cloak might be somewhere in the house. Try to find it.
Completed Narrative
Quest mysterious-ritual check
Well, it's a start. Wait, before I begin, I must compare the phases of the sun and the moon. Do not distract me! (Magda immerses herself in a trance and you quietly exit the Fortune-Telling Room)
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

The Art of Mind-Reading[]

Character Magda
Quest the-art-of-mind-reading
My mentor was remarkably adept at reading people's thoughts. For me to do the same, I need his hat. Find it and bring it to me.

Witch's Hat (1)

Tip Try to find the hat by exploring the rooms of the house.
Completed Narrative
Quest the-art-of-mind-reading check
(Magda puts the wizard's hat on) Benny and the mermaid... On the outside, water, on the inside, vodka... Together they are not to be... to be or not to be, that is the question...
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Wizard's Staff[]

Character Magda
Quest wizards-staff
The stars are speaking to me. Their tongue is ancient and hard to understand but I could make out the following... To sever chains with the sword, tempering feelings by dragon-flame, strike the bell with the great mage's staff... Hmm, if this refers to my teacher's things, then we must find them as soon as possible. Please begin by exploring for the staff. Mr. X once borrowed it from me when he broke his cane. Perhaps the staff is somewhere in the manor.

Magician's Staff (1)

Tip Explore the house for a magic staff.
Completed Narrative
Quest wizards-staff check
(Magda tries to lift the staff but it is too heavy for her). Right, how am I ever supposed to strike a bell with this behemoth? Maybe my Tarot cards will help me.
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Red Dragon[]

Character Magda
Quest the-red-dragon
Do you remember that the stars offered to temper Benny's feelings for the mermaid with dragon-flame? I don't know how that can be done but we must find a dragon. I remember that Jones once said he saw one in thehouse . Find out whether he was telling the truth.

Hand Dragon (1)

Tip The dragon left this manor long ago but you can find him by visiting your friends and helping out.
Completed Narrative
Quest the-red-dragon check
What an amazing creature! Such power and grace and it even breathes fire... what a beauty! If only my gypsies could trade their horses in for creatures like this, they would perform so many glorious deeds!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Enchanted Sword[]

Character Magda
Quest enchanted-sword
I need an enchanted sword that no magical barrier can withstand! When Mr. X was gearing up to banish the Stone Idol out, he borrowed a sword like that from me. The fight wasn’t much but I haven't seen the sword since. I suspect that the sword is still in the stone. Find it.

Flaming Sword (1)

Tip If you can banish the Native Idol, you'll be able to find the sword in the stone.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest enchanted-sword check.jpg
The one and only great mage's sword. I'm not going to ever lend it to anyone again!
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Magic Energy[]

Character Magda
File:Quest magic-energy.jpg
So, thanks to your help I'm almost ready to conduct the ritual to transform the little mermaid. I will need a lot of magic Energy to do it. Runestones are required to gather and use such Energy and you must bring me enough of them for the ritual.

Runestones (50)

Tip Obtain Runestones for Magda by either buying them at the store or trading for them with gypsies. The Runestones will be removed from your Inventory after you complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest magic-energy check.jpg
Yes! Now everything is ready for the ritual. Let us begin! (the Fortune-Telling Room is filled with a gray fog, with colored lights flashing periodically)
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135

Old Friends[]

Character Magda
File:Quest old-friends.jpg
Something went wrong... Instead of transforming the mermaid into a human, we seem to have resurrected my old teacher! Well, that's good! I have so much to tell him. Go now; the ritual to return the great mage to our world must be performed immediately. That's the only way to help Benny.

Item (1)

Tip Charge the Great Wizard collection to complete the quest.
Completed Narrative
File:Quest old-friends check.jpg
(Magda and an unfamiliar man in a white robe engage in lively discussion. You quietly leave the Fortune-Telling Room so as not to disturb them)
Reward Experience: Experience-symbol 130
Coins: Coins-symbol 135